Media: Psychoacoustic Eyes

“Psychoacoustic Eye” by The Puzzle Is Cast is a project in which artists of the Puzzlemusik roster are recording separately from a distance in pairs. The project was loosely conceived during the first COVID lockdown . it can run through time, progress and flourish regardless of any future lockdown or not. The Puzzle Is Cast is the brain-child of Sotiris Debonos and Christos Alexopoulos and many of the musicians in the Puzzlemusik roster participate in it.
The idea was simple: to create a setting suitable for innovative collaborative creativity from a distance, between a pair of musicians in a free willing , kind of casual way, without much reflective thinking and afterthought involved. An artistic unit in which a certain member takes on the duty to realise a certain project each time. A project that requires from the other members of the artistic unit simply to provide the artist in charge with the raw material needed for the project.
The debut output of the “The Puzzle is Cast” as an artistic unit is the “Psychoacoustic Eye” recording sessions.
Each musician, while at his/her home recorded a music track, with whatever means he/she had at hand and without thinking very much about what he/she will record. Then the track was processed by Debonos. “Processing” could involve adding/removing music material, de-composing and/or structural re-arranging the original track with sound edits, modifying the original sound through the application of filters or a mixed technique combining some (or all) of the above.
The purpose was to produce a completely new material, somehow keeping the spirit of the original track.
After the final mix is ready, Debonos produces a video using specific freeware and visuals to accompany it. During the whole process, Alexopoulos acts as an executive producer, bringing together the musicians, handing out the few, but very specific, instructions and molding the project before it hits your online devices.