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In Grainular the sound source is an electroclassic guitar driving three granular delays. On some tracks the “DIN is noise” sofware synth was used.

The multichannel recordings – in a linux environment (AV linux) – are a product of solo improvisation. Their original purpose was that of computer programming of the Mobius loupe as a tool for asymmetric time segmentation in live performance conditions.

These 6 tracks were eventually selected for publication, as they came up with a more concrete structure and would require minimal further processing.

In the recordings there is a constant presence, sometimes dominant sometimes underlying, of a “cloud” of sonic fractures and grains, which led to the pun “Grainular” of the title.

This gave birth to the ideas for the inventive and imaginative track titles provided by Christos Alexopoulos.

The visual artist Spyros Mantzavinos curated the artwork, each copy is hand painted. His patience is remarkable and his friendship is invaluable.


Mix: Sotiris Debonos/Manolis Aggelakis

Mastering: Sweetspot/Yiannis Christodoulatos